DRAMAtical Murder

Reviews of DRAMAtical Murder

Overall rating Based on 22 reviews
  • Giselle
    May 17, 2024

    Clear best character ever, I support his rights but most importantly his wrongs.

  • mister
    May 27, 2024

    No comment

  • marykvit1410
    June 6, 2024

    No comment

  • Monika
    July 5, 2024

    Not as good as Slow Damage, but still enjoyable. Good characters, good storyline. I love Nitro+Chiral, I crave for more.

  • TransSlyBlue
    July 7, 2024

    No comment

  • Vic
    July 13, 2024

    Incredible game, from the art to the soundtrack to the story, I have nothing bad to say! All the characters are appealing and the multiple routes are nice, I enjoyed it all!

  • emilmesmer
    July 24, 2024

    No comment

  • Asa
    August 17, 2024

    Masterpiece. We need more games like this, although I wish it more interactive

  • Dmc
    August 23, 2024

    Esta fue mi primera visual novel, y como la disfruté. La historia es intrigante, los personajes son carismáticos y tienen su desarrollo en cada ruta. Nos explican el por qué de todo lo que nos plantean. No te dejes engañar por lo colorido de su diseño de personajes, ya que los bad ending son realmente traumáticos y sangrientos (algunos). La música es pegadiza y la letra de sus canciones finales encajan a la perfección con la perspectiva del seme de cada ruta. Es un juego con intriga, erotismo, violencia, comedia y romance. Ya lo he jugado tantas veces que perdí la cuenta.

  • LINE
    August 31, 2024

    NGL PEAK GAME, enjoyed it sm!! I recommend....GET YO YAOI ON!!

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DRAMAtical Murder

Aoba's vibrant cyberpunk world is one of contrasts: high-tech virtual reality battles versus street gang turf wars, ultra-exclusive luxury resorts and tiny junk shops. The choices you make will shape the path of Aoba's journey into the dark secrets lurking beneath the glossy sheen of the city.