A fantastic story that will keep you thinking for weeks after finishing it. One of my all-time favorites.
This game can be quite a nauseating trial, which is definitely deliberate. I believe it does manages to weave an interesting story within the unnending tapestry of rape upon rape. Good artwork and a lot of interesting story concepts. Make sure you know what you're getting into, I suppose.
I play quite sensitive, the story becomes interesting but there are things that do not convince me, such as the way to get the heroine's' power.
The weirdest shiz ever and the worst written female characters. I like dark stories and some non-con but the way the non-con is written is just not the vibe. The art is nice at least and the concept was promising but just not my thing.
某结局的中文翻译文不成句。像是完全不懂日语的人看着汉字瞎猜的,而且连个校对的都没有。机翻都不应该有这么烂。就这水平还拿出来卖钱。 Chinese translation of a certain route doesn't even make sense. It seems to be wild-guessed by someone who doesn't even understand Japanese just looking at the kanjis. The end product probably received no proofreading at all. It's even worse than MTL and it cost me money to buy this shit.
Fantastic H scenes and a very interesting story to go with it. Not for the faint of heart!
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