One of the best action VNs I've ever read, when it puts its foot on the gas, it really doesn't let up. There's some finicky things with it being oldge with heavy animations however, may need to download additional video codex if you have a newer machine to get them to run properly. Romance tends to be a little light, but they balance the dark and gritty bits with some moege tropes that make it all easy to read and digest even when the going gets tough. If you don't mind a little troubleshooting and want a VN with a heavy dose of giant monsters and robots fighting, then this is one of the best VNs out there for it.
Came for the story stayed for the weirdness but it does got some gore lots less then safe content and not much nsfw would recommend if you want a violent story with some sex in it.
Lovecraft meets Gurren Lagann. This VN quickly became one of my favorites, its unique vibe resonated with me. The dark atmoshpere of Arkham and our private investigator MC is a setup used in many classic Lovecraftian stories, but we'll soon get a mental whiplash as it changes into mecha action in the blink of an eye. The VN balances the goofy shenanigans with the serious moments really well. Our MC is running from the police with his loli grimoire in his hands at one moment, and in the next, a multi-dimensional fight with the Outer Gods will decide the fate of the Earth. There are no boring moments, and the awesome soundtrack makes every fight scene hype. And if you're familiar with the Lovecraft Mythos, the countless references will make your experience even more fun. P.S: Al is best girl.
I think the biggest weakness in Demonbane is the pacing, especially the pacing of the fights, they go on for so long and tend to somehow manage to be incredibly repetitive. I do think the highs of Demonbane are really high, like the structure of the story, or the final battle (which is absolutely breathtaking and well crafted/paced), but the lows really drag down the score. I also found numerous typos and the animated cutscenes don't seem to play properly. Nevertheless I truly hope we get the sequel on JAST eventually!
Full detailed review here: PROS: - an epic tale of cosmic proportions! - three epic length routes and a few bad endings too - lots of Lovecraft fan service - Al is top tier waifu material - good OST - TONS of CGs - good background CGs - hot H-scenes - Doctor West, 'nuff said CONS: - jarring tone (sometimes like a saturday morning cartoon, sometimes raep and murder, etc.) - EXTREMELY overdesigned mech designs; I had no idea what I was looking at on screen - Ruri was extremely annoying outside of her route - boring fight scenes - very bad demosaic work - a couple of technical issues Overall: Even though there are many things to like about it, there are also things that I just simply cannot overlook if I were to remain objective. If you like the mecha and the Cthulhu Mythos you should give this a shot. Just temper down your expectations. Verdict: 3/5, good but not essential. Nitro has done better VNs. Lovecraft enjoyers will probably have fun with this.
An amazing VN that has episodic chapters, making it easy to pick up and read.
Had some interesting parts, but I got bored during it. It has its fans though, just wasn't for me
fantastic genre meld of cthulhu mythos pulp and super robot hype. diminishing returns on the second and third routes, but Al Azif makes up for it.